Monday, August 29, 2011


It’s intervention time.

So the first step in fixing a problem is admitting that you have a problem, and blah blah blah. Well…

My nail polish collection has gotten a teensy bit out of hand. Six months ago I bought my third Helmer and thought that would give me pleeennnnty of room to grow. And that would be all I needed.  


Last weekend I found myself on Ikea’s website contemplating two more, and trying to figure out exactly what I would need to make a vanity table with them. I may or may not have rearranged furniture in my bedroom to make room for said vanity table.

In order to justify my habit, I’m going to photograph and review each polish I own. If you’ve seen All Lacquered Up’s 365 Days of Untrieds project, then yes, I am shamelessly stealing her idea. Only mine won’t necessarily be untried. And it’s going to take me longer than a year to make it through my entire collection. Much, much longer.  

(I’m so not a rules person, so this will have to be Calvinballesque)

• I won’t wear the same polish twice until my whole collection has been reviewed.
(Awww, that rule made me sad. It may have to be amended.)

• Every polish I review will be worn for a full day, not just swatched long enough for me to take a photo.

And, um … that’s all I can think of right now. Told you I’m not a rules person.

So stay tuned. First review will be posted on September 5. My cuticles are a bit angry right now, so that will give me a week to baby them back into shape.

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